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Definition of Anemia
Anemia can be classified according to several criteria, but the most is a practical grouping based on the occurrence of anemia post hemorrhage, hemolytic anemia, deficiency anemia, aplastic anemia and anemia due to malignancy.

Cause of Anemia
Insufficient blood production (due to a deficiency or failure of the bone marrow), excessive blood loss, excessive destruction of blood or a combination of these factors. Blood loss and chronic cryptic, for example in ankilostomiasis, cause iron deficiency anemia, hemolysis, among others, while it occurs G6PD deficiency and thalassemia.

Clinical Overview of Anemia
- Anemia caused by sudden blood loss, and many will spur
body's homeostatic compensation. Acute blood loss as much as 12-15%
will give the symptoms of pallor, tachycardia with normal blood pressure or
low. Loss of 15-20% causes the blood pressure begins to drop until
shock, and loss of 20% can result in death.
- Deficiency anemia is characterized by fatigue, frequent palpitations, fatigue and irritability
headache. Optic disc atrophy of the tongue looks. Sometimes enlarged heart and sound
systolic murmur. In the peripheral blood picture of anemia appear hipokrom and
mikrositer, while low serum iron content.
- Deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid causes megaloblastic anemia
which may be accompanied by neurological symptoms.
- Hemolytic anemia may be accompanied by an increase in blood bilirubin (jaundice).
The spleen is generally enlarged.
- Aplastic anemia is apparent from the low levels of hemoglobin and other systemic symptoms,
without enlargement of the organ.

Examination of hemoglobin concentration and peripheral blood.
common Hb <12 g / dl.Pedoman Treatment in Primary Health Centers 2007

Management of Anemia
- Successful treatment depends on the ability to enforce
diagnosis at an early stage.
- Anemia pascaperdarahan treated with blood transfusions as much as 10-20
ml / kg body weight, or plasma expander. If there is no second, intravenous fluids
also can be used.
- The impact can be overcome by slow transfusion of packed red cells.
- Iron deficiency anemia treated with adequate food, sulfas ferosus
10 mg / kg 3 times daily or Iron elementary 1mg/kgBB/hari
- Anemia Megaloblastic specific treatment, therefore, should be distinguished
cause, deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency.
• The dose of vitamin B12 100 mcg / day im, for 5 - 10 days as initial therapy
rumat therapy followed by 100-200 mcg / months to achieve remission.
• The dose of folic acid 0.5 - 1mg/hari orally for 10 days, followed
with 0.1 - 0.5 mg / day.
The use of oral vitamin B12 is useless in pernicious anemia.
Besides the oral dosage is more expensive.
- Autoimmune Hemolysis resolved with prednisone 2-5 mg / kg / day orally and
testosterone 1-2 mg / kg / day iv, for the long term.
- Blood transfusion given only when necessary.
- Refer to hospital